Trecho '' Everything Has Chance Again''

Trecho '' Everything Has Chance Again''

I had his heart in me
I dropped beyond the clouds
But I'll have another chance
I gotta win again every day
Everything has its second chance
You can have everything in hand again
And you'll learn that one day we lose others win

All this on top of you
You just jump to catch
But you want everything to fall into the hand
Waiting for a miracle
You 've wept as never seen before
Not wasting any chances like easy
But you gotta remember that it is not
A lightning never strikes twice in the same place
Wait may be enough
But do not expect to fall
It will the fight that everything is just beginning
You do not know when it will end

Qual tua cantora preferida
Lady Gaga
Katy Perry
Britney Spears
Jessie J
Avril Lavgne
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